We’re talking about coaching biblically. Coaching the way Jesus would coach. One component of that involves the words we use and how we use them. Specifically, what about cursing/cussin’/profanity/obscenities/swearing, whatever you want to call it. Does foul language enhance our coaching? Is it necessary? If we want to Coach without profanity will some players think “Man, Coach is soft”?
I’ve thought about this a lot this week. And if a Coach came to me and said “Gee, golly, can you do this instead of that?” I probably would say to myself “Coach is soft”. The issue really is the mistaken notion that a Christian Coach is a cartoon character. That he’s Ned Flanders. But that’s not the deal. A Christian Coach is one whose coaching style is characteri
zed by love. For example, I love my sons. Occasionally fathering them requires correction, discipline and stern language. But I don’t ever want to “coach” them while I’m out of control. I don’t swear at them. I wonder if John Wooden’s players thought he was soft. Do the Colts think Coach Dungy is soft? A Christian Coach commands respect, but that respect grows as a result of a relationship that is built with his/her athletes. The athletes must be loved, and they know when that love is genuine. It cannot be faked. And in the context of that relationship, the Coach has the ability to correct behaviors or techniques, forcefully when necessary.

Jesus used interesting language at times. More than once, without venturing into the world of obscenities, he stands in front of the religious establishment and calls them “snakes” and a “brood of vipers”. Jesus gets his point across in all situations, dealing with all different types of people. Read Luke 4:28-30 some time. Jesus is pushed to the edge of a cliff, about to be thrown off to his death, then walks right through the crowd and goes on his way. I can only imagine the look on a man’s face that would inspire an angry mob to part and let him walk through. Doesn’t sound very soft to me. I want to be coached by someone like that.
This speech is my recital,
I think it’s very vital
To rock (a rhyme), that’s right (on time)
It’s Tricky is the title
-Run DMC
that song just totally made me relive middle school/ high school – even though i think it came out before then. ha ha! can’t wait to see you all soon. thanks for what you share on your blog.
Thanks for the comment. I used to roller skate to that song. Those were the days.