by Ryan Krzykowski
What comes to mind when we think of the word peace? Maybe the absence of conflict or the end of a war. Maybe a visual symbol, like a dove or two fingers in the air. Whatever it is, it likely doesn’t involve bloodshed. But today I read something that grabbed my heart:
and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven,
by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
– Colossians 1:20
Jesus, through His sacrifice on the cross, has brought about peace. The sin in the world, and in our lives, essentially were acts of war against a holy God, and that same God made the unbelievable sacrifice of taking on our humanity and giving His life for the purpose of achieving peace. Even as I type those words, I’m painfully aware of how much I don’t understand about who God is. But to know that His love for us inspired the sacrifice that has made peace possible is an idea worth pondering.
A world in which we can be at peace with God due to the enormity of His love for us…that’s a world I’m happy to see my new grandson come into. There’s probably a coaching situation or concept to connect all this to — but for now I’m just so darn happy to have met my first grandbaby. If being a grandparent is even in the ballpark of how great everyone makes it sound, then I’m in for a real treat.
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