Yesterday I was reading in John chapter 4 and I read the story of the woman at the well. I have read this story many times before and heard at least one or two really good sermons about it. I’ve had it drilled into me how scandalous it would have been for Jesus to talk to a woman, or talk to a Samaritan, and how that would have doubly shocked people to see him talking to a Samaritan woman. Maybe you’re familiar with their conversation, but you can take another look at it here. Go ahead, read it.
OK, glad you’re back. This story is incredible. A woman encounters Jesus, sees Him for who He is, and immediately goes to tell others her story. Those who hear come “out of the town and make their way toward Him”. Then they believe in Him, and see Jesus as the Savior of the World for themselves, developing their own story to tell.
It’s sounds so simple. I wonder if it works for everybody. Can we expect that if we tell a story about what Jesus has done for us, that many who hear it will believe and come take a closer look at Him? I don’t know. Maybe it’s worth a try.
The woman at the well was amazed that Jesus could tell her things about her life. That is a pretty cool trick, no doubt. I can tell you that Jesus has been transforming me from selfish to selfless. He has turned my constant worry into trust. He has guided our family halfway across the country in the last 17 months, sold our home in SW Florida (which is at least as difficult as telling me everything I ever did), while providing for our every need and much more along the way. He has been making me into a husband and a Dad who is characterized by patience and self-control, where before I was prone to impatience and angry outbursts. He has inspired me to train with Him to get better each and every day, and is showing me the joy, peace, and comfort that come from being fully His.
That woman said, “come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.”
I say, “come trust and worship the Son of God who is making me everything He created me to be.”
Merry Christmas to you all.
80’s Lyric
Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell
A wishing well of butterfly tear
Wish me love a wishing well to kiss and tell
A wishing well of crocodile cheers