...Because One Coach Can Change the World

Flip It! (next post 8/10)

There are some unbelievable coaches out there.  These are women and men who coach athletes at all levels who selflessly and intentionally use their sports as tools of transformation in the lives of those whom they serve.  These coaches have impacts that are felt in...

It’s Broken (next post 6/22)

 This post may or may not end up having much to do with coaching sports, but I can't write about anything else today.  This won't come as a great shock to you, but our world is broken.  It's gone horribly wrong.  We all know that and experience the consequences of...

Insatiable (next post 6/8)

I've had a chance to listen to former NBA player Wayne Simien tell the story of being a part of the league championship team in Miami during his rookie season in 2006.  After the initial celebrations and parade through the city, the team gathered in front of an...
