Abraham and Isaac (next post 6/26)
Sometimes I feel like this is more of my personal parenting storytelling blog than a Coaches blog. I've been thinking about that, and while I don't want to get too carried away with stories of my boys, here's what I think. Coaching is about relationships. Life is...
What are you doing this summer? (next post on 6/12)
As a Coach there are probably things you have planned for your athletes during the summer to make them stronger, tougher, better teammates, and more. The summer is a perfect time for good athletes to become great athletes. For good teams to become great teams. It's...
Free to Fail (next post 5/29)
The questions are numerous. What is success? How do we define our victories in life? Does my life have a scoreboard? More importantly for me, do I define myself by those successes? Is my own self-worth caught up in my performance? Is 'who I am' based entirely on what...
Why, Coach? (next post 5/15)
First, take a look at the top of the right column...right over there =>>>>>>>>. This summer Coaches event is going to be sweet and it will be better if YOU are there.I was talking with a Coach the other day, and he was saying how in the past, when a Coach told an...
Attitude Check (next post 5/1)
Yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine. Fred was telling me about his busy schedule. To bring in a little bit of extra money for his family he's started working a few extra hours each week as a tutor. Fred explained that he was pretty bummed that after work he...
Do I Make You Laugh? (next post 4/17)
Recently I was talking to a Coach on his campus. His most recent season had not gone well. We talked about lessons learned and out of all we talked about, one thing in particular struck me. Coach started talking about how he realizes he hasn't been much fun to be...
A Coach’s Job (next post on 4/3)
Bottom line, what is a Coach's job? It is not to be popular with his/her athletes. It is not to give the best interviews and quotes to the media. You might say it is to win games or championships, but how? Simply put, a Coach's job is to help athletes achieve a level...
Epaphroditus (next post 3/20)
Epaphroditus? What's an Epaphroditus?So a few days ago I'm reading Philippians chapter 2 with a group of guys. At the end of the chapter the author, Paul, starts telling the people of Philippi that he is going to return their friend Epaphroditus to them. Apparently he...
Pressure (next post on 3/6)
We've all seen Coaches call timeout to ice a kicker. We've probably heard the home fans yelling at a visiting player, "Hope you don't choke!" I once stood at the foul line and had a guy tell me "it's gonna be hard to make those free throws with your hands around your...
One big answer, now so many questions (next post 2/20…or maybe 2/27)
The next few Fridays for me are so full of scheduled 'stuff' that I might not get to writing more for 3 weeks instead of my usual 2. For those of you who live and die by my blogging, please try to understand. Also, if you haven't noticed, at the bottom of each post...