It’s Good For Everyone

It’s Good For Everyone

It’s Good For Everyone by Ryan Krzykowski Last week someone I know well and love very much sent me this video, a TED Talk from six years ago called “Why Big Boys Don’t Cry”, delivered by a young man named Gareth Griffith.  With this being...
Just Be There

Just Be There

“Just Be There” by Ryan Krzykowski Our friend Bill Severns emailed out a “Legacy Letter” last week.  The first time I read it through, I felt myself tear up and immediately sent Bill a note asking his permission to share it in this space.  I...
Focus on Now

Focus on Now

Focus on Now by Ryan Krzykowski Heading into a new school year’s football season I am frequently asked how I think the team will do.  It’s always tempting to come with the “we won’t know how good this team is for another 20 years”, which...
Something New

Something New

Something New by Ryan Krzykowski I began coaching high school sports in 1998, and have been training/developing coaches professionally since 2008.  I certainly don’t have it all figured out and I haven’t got all the answers, but I’ve seen quite a bit...
Goodbye Sharon, and Thank You

Goodbye Sharon, and Thank You

Goodbye Sharon, and Thank you by Ryan Krzykowski Community for Coaches was born in 2012, and as we were getting started we needed to build a support team, people who would be advocates, believing in the work we were called to.  These early advocates included Kenton...