Worth the Time

Worth the Time

Worth the Time by Ryan Krzykowski On October 24 I received an email from a Coach I knew years ago — it had been a while since we’d be in touch so this seemed a bit out of the blue.  The email included a link to a video he’d been involved in making,...
Know Who They Are

Know Who They Are

Know Who They Are by Ryan Krzykowski In the summer of 2020 I had a conversation with my 7-year old niece, and she told me about her favorite kind of ice cream.  I filed away the knowledge, and a few months later I showed up at their house with a tub of that special...
Still Pounding

Still Pounding

Still Pounding by Ryan Krzykowski A couple weeks ago I wrote about the football season I’m helping coach, about how even though the wins haven’t been coming we continue to “pound the rock”.  We keep doing what champions do, believing that when...
Pound the Rock

Pound the Rock

Pound the Rock by Ryan Krzykowski I’ve coached a handful of different sports at a variety of levels since coming to Kansas City in 2008, but this fall I’ve joined a high school football staff for the first time in many years.  It’s a new staff with a...
Seeds and Controllables

Seeds and Controllables

Seeds and Controllables by Ryan Krzykowski We say it all the time — “control the controllables”.  It’s good advice, as there are plenty of things we have no control over.  The weather, officiating, opponents’ preparation, and more, fall...