Getting Started

Getting Started

Getting Started by Ryan Krzykowski What a terrific time of year.  For those of us in education, who coach a fall sport, or both, it’s a time of new beginnings.  I love the feeling of a fresh start, and as we head into the fall months, I’ll be coaching a...
Do Your Job

Do Your Job

Do Your Job by Ryan Krzykowski Living in Kansas City, I’m no fan of the New England Patriots.  At the same time it’s really difficult not to admire (and be kind of jealous of) all those wins and championships.  Aside from having outstanding coaching and a...
An Eye Opener

An Eye Opener

An Eye Opener by Ryan Krzykowski Last week we began practice for the 2019 football season.  I have the privilege of coaching my youngest son as part of a group of 5th and 6th grade boys.  There’s a whole lot that goes into starting up a season —...


Aroma by Ryan Krzykowski I love to sweat.  In the summer, when it’s so incredibly hot outside, I like nothing more than to take off on a 5 mile run.  I’m careful to hydrate, watch my pace and not overdo it, don’t worry about me.  And I come home...
Summer Reading Suggestions

Summer Reading Suggestions

Summer Reading by Ryan Krzykowski In my last post I mentioned the book I’m reading and working through this summer, Sacred Breath by David Muyskens.  What about you?  What are you reading? Our good friend John O’Sullivan from Changing the Game Project has...
Achieving or Receiving?

Achieving or Receiving?

Achieving or Receiving? by Ryan Krzykowski A few weeks back I posted about my summer plan to reengage with God — committing to spend focused time with Him in a way I haven’t in recent memory.  A tool that I’m using to help with that is a book called...