Get Together

Get Together

Get Together by Ryan Krzykowski Sometimes a day just starts out right, and yesterday was one of those days. It began with a Coaching Life Group meeting at a high school across town and this conversation was beyond encouraging.The conversation was lively and initial...


Names by Ryan Krzykowski “Someone bothered to remember my name.  And it changed my life.”  I listened as Nathan shared these words and have thought about them often since.  Obviously a single encounter when a name was remembered wouldn’t change a...

Keep Your Cool

Keep Your Cool by Ryan Krzykowski It had been a while, but it happened again last week.  I gave directions to a group of students, and they did not follow them well.  They were told to work quietly while a group of their classmates was finishing a test.  As the noise...

Twenty Seconds

Twenty Seconds by Ryan Krzykowski It’s funny.  I used to take pride in being the biggest sports fan I knew.  This was from about age 7-21 when I apparently didn’t have more pressing matters to attend to in my life.  Nowadays, while I certainly enjoy my...

Doing Some Reading

Doing Some Reading by Ryan Krzykowski Not long ago I was invited to participate in a day long training program for assistant high school coaches who are interested in becoming head coaches in the near future.  The primary organizer of the Academy began the session by...
A Big Night for CFC

A Big Night for CFC

A Big Night for CFC by Ryan Krzykowski A City Transformed — that was the theme of the evening as friends and supporters of Community for Coaches gathered at The Venue in Leawood for CFC’s 4th Annual Fall Benefit Dinner/Auction.  Guests were treated to...