by Ryan Krzykowski | Feb 25, 2019 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Get Together by Ryan Krzykowski Sometimes a day just starts out right, and yesterday was one of those days. It began with a Coaching Life Group meeting at a high school across town and this conversation was beyond encouraging.The conversation was lively and initial...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Feb 11, 2019 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Names by Ryan Krzykowski “Someone bothered to remember my name. And it changed my life.” I listened as Nathan shared these words and have thought about them often since. Obviously a single encounter when a name was remembered wouldn’t change a...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Jan 28, 2019 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Keep Your Cool by Ryan Krzykowski It had been a while, but it happened again last week. I gave directions to a group of students, and they did not follow them well. They were told to work quietly while a group of their classmates was finishing a test. As the noise...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Jan 14, 2019 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Twenty Seconds by Ryan Krzykowski It’s funny. I used to take pride in being the biggest sports fan I knew. This was from about age 7-21 when I apparently didn’t have more pressing matters to attend to in my life. Nowadays, while I certainly enjoy my...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Dec 17, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Doing Some Reading by Ryan Krzykowski Not long ago I was invited to participate in a day long training program for assistant high school coaches who are interested in becoming head coaches in the near future. The primary organizer of the Academy began the session by...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Dec 3, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
A Big Night for CFC by Ryan Krzykowski A City Transformed — that was the theme of the evening as friends and supporters of Community for Coaches gathered at The Venue in Leawood for CFC’s 4th Annual Fall Benefit Dinner/Auction. Guests were treated to...