by Ryan Krzykowski | May 7, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
11 on 11? by Ryan Krzykowski A couple months ago, I read another terrific blog post by John O’Sullivan of Changing the Game Project. This one was entitled “When Will Youth Sports Actually Serve the Needs of Youth?”, and the thought provoking post...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Apr 9, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Coaching Parents by Ryan Krzykowski A few weeks back a coach shared a link with me about South Carolina Men’s Basketball Coach Frank Martin. Coach Martin had some strong words for parents of young athletes, as you can see by the tweet that came out back in...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Mar 26, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
The Hardest Thing About Coaching by Ryan Krzykowski Last week we lost a fantastic young man. Twenty-seven year old Kirk Korver passed away on Tuesday 3/20 from a sudden illness. The youngest of four basketball playing brothers from the well-known Pella, Iowa family,...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Mar 5, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Reflect (Thankful, Peaceful, Joyful) by Ryan Krzykowski In a Coaching Life Group meeting last week, one of the discussion questions asked which of these is most difficult for you to experience: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Feb 19, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Heartbreaking by Ryan Krzykowski Last week you watched and read about Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida, and how a former student “began shooting students that he saw in the hallways and on school grounds”, killing 17 students and staff...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Feb 5, 2018 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Under His Wing by Ryan Krzykowski One of the current CFC Coaching Life Groups is reading and discussing a terrific book, On Point, by former NBA Head Coach Del Harris. In chapter four of his book, which Coach Del calls “Building Up Others is Life-Team...