Crazy (next post 11/23)

I know my writing tone can be a little bit preachy sometimes.  I spend a lot of time talking, thinking, writing and praying about the state of our sports culture, and sometimes people disagree with me.  Or maybe they agree with me mostly, but don’t feel quite as...

Compare (next post 10/26)

I make it a point to listen to what people have to say, no matter their age.  But when someone who’s got 40-50 years on me has something to say about life, I usually try and pay extra attention. I’m not sure exactly how old my friend Jake is, but I’m...

Strategies (next post 10/5)

Strategy is a huge part of sports.  Should you call for zone or man defense?  Play your infielders in or at double-play depth with 1 out and the bases loaded?  How should you handle your substitutions and timeouts?  And the list goes on. I’ve also been learning...