by Ryan Krzykowski | Jan 15, 2024 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Dependence by Ryan Krzykowski I’m about to break my own rule. Usually I find it a waste of my time when a writer or public speaker bores me with a story about how he/she landed on their topic. Just write what you want to write, say what you want to say, and...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Dec 18, 2023 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Go and Stay Near It by Ryan Krzykowski It’s pretty cool the way God weaves people’s lives together in the right ways at just the right time. In Acts chapter 8, we see an apostle in the early church named Phillip, who is used by God to share the good news...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Dec 4, 2023 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Seen by Ryan Krzykowski There’s an old story about a single Mom-to-be, who many years ago was all alone, shunned and abandoned by pretty much the only people in the world who might have been positioned to offer love and support to her and her new baby boy. In...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Nov 20, 2023 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Worth the Time by Ryan Krzykowski On October 24 I received an email from a Coach I knew years ago — it had been a while since we’d be in touch so this seemed a bit out of the blue. The email included a link to a video he’d been involved in making,...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Nov 6, 2023 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Know Who They Are by Ryan Krzykowski In the summer of 2020 I had a conversation with my 7-year old niece, and she told me about her favorite kind of ice cream. I filed away the knowledge, and a few months later I showed up at their house with a tub of that special...
by Ryan Krzykowski | Oct 23, 2023 | Blog 1, Ryan Krzykowski
Still Pounding by Ryan Krzykowski A couple weeks ago I wrote about the football season I’m helping coach, about how even though the wins haven’t been coming we continue to “pound the rock”. We keep doing what champions do, believing that when...