Better Together

Better Together

Better Together by Ryan Krzykowski I’ve spent hours this summer enjoying the hummingbirds that have discovered the feeders in our back yard.  Especially on the days when life feels like a lot, sitting outside and just watching the birds provides some needed...
Ben Franklin’s Thoughts on Anger

Ben Franklin’s Thoughts on Anger

Ben Franklin’s Thoughts on Anger by Ryan Krzykowski With the right prompt, I can quickly be transported into an absolutely cringe-worthy memory.  Just typing that last sentence brought to mind 4 or 5 moments I would really like to have back.  The time I got...
I Can’t Believe I Get to Play

I Can’t Believe I Get to Play

I Can’t Believe I Get to Play by Ryan Krzykowski It’s that time of year — summer workouts, camps, etc., and a couple weeks back I had the chance to get out on the field for middle school football camp.  It was four days in shorts with kids ages...
Camp Smokey

Camp Smokey

Camp Smokey by Ryan Krzykowski/Sam Knopik Last week I received an email from Sam Knopik, a good friend and Head Football Coach at Pembroke Hill, a school in Kansas City.  Sam had decided to loop me in on a camp adventure that he’d arranged for his players and...
When It’s Over

When It’s Over

When It’s Over by Ryan Krzykowski This has been a really tough couple weeks — there’s no way around it.  War continues in Europe, we lost more elementary school children to a shooter, and optimism is in short supply these days.  It feels as if...


Fear by Ryan Krzykowski “If you’re going to be scared, get off this field!” Did I really just yell that at a 13 year old?  Man, I really screwed that up.  What was I thinking?  Where did that come from? It was the fall of 2016, and I was telling a...