Over Christmas break I was shocked to learn that my four sons had never seen Remember the Titans.  I know the movie
came out over 16 years ago, and yet it caught me off guard when they told a family dinner guest we had not watched it together. It’s a movie that has been important to me in a number of ways over the years, and I can’t believe it took until now to enjoy it as a family.

RTT is not a perfect film.  Some of the scenes are a little far-fetched.  The football action is filmed too close.  I could do without at least one of the characters.  But watching it again, with my kids, for the first time in years, I had forgotten what a great story this is.  And out of all the different aspects of the plot, maybe the most important is the friendship that develops between Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell.  Doing just a bit of research, it appears Disney might have exaggerated a little as to how close Gerry and Julius were in real life.  But it doesn’t really matter.  The relationship that is depicted between these two friends powerfully demonstrates the very best of what sports can do in the lives of people.

The hospital scene near the end of the movie is one of the very best.  It is perfect.  If you haven’t seen the movie in a while (or ever), watching the whole film will help provide some context for the dialogue (Superman, for instance).  But regardless, take three minutes, watch this scene, and tell me it doesn’t make you want to be a better person and a better Coach.  Watching this movie, this three minute section in particular, renewed my commitment to being an agent of change and someone who intentionally uses sports as a tool to change lives.

Happy New Year, Coaches.