Game On

by Ryan Krzykowski

The last post I wrote was called “So Weird“, and predictably it was all about how weird this current sports landscape is.  And it just keeps getting weirder and weirder.  But last week, our School Board voted to move forward with high school sports this fall.  As the parent of a high school athlete, this came as really good news.  He and his teammates have worked hard for months, hoping for a chance to play and not knowing how likely that might be.  I’m really glad for those kids, and for the coaches who have similarly prepared in the midst of tremendous uncertainty.  These women and men have gone so far above and beyond the already demanding expectations that are typically place upon them. 

So now what?  What will these games look like?  Will there be spectators, or maybe just weird cardboard cutouts like at big league baseball games?  Will every other school on the schedule be playing as well?  As usual these days, lots of questions, not too many answers yet.  Except that they will be playing.

As we head into this school year, we recognize that season or not, coaches are still some of the most powerful, influential people in our world.  And while the needs are ever-evolving, we are committed to loving and serving them well.  If you’re out there coaching, thanks for what you do.

Last thing, if you haven’t seen this, check out the letter that MLB star Christian Yelich wrote to the seniors at his high school last spring about their canceled season.  Especially if you’re a coach or parent of someone who isn’t going to get to play this fall.  Yelich’s words are spot on, and I can appreciate someone looking out for those who come after him the way he did.  Great job by him.

And whatever your world looks like right now — whatever the status of your sports/seasons, let’s Coach With Purpose.