Middle School Me

Middle School Me

Middle School Me…What If? by Ryan Krzykowski The world looked a little different than it does now, but when I was in middle school (1986-1989) I thought I was a pretty big deal.  I’d always done well in school, and had begun mastering the ability to earn...
The Siren Song

The Siren Song

The Siren Song by Ryan Krzykowski I’ve seen some crazy stuff in youth sports over the past 17 years, since my oldest son began playing t-ball.  For that matter, I’ve seen some craziest stuff that I’ve ever seen in youth sports over the past week with...
Better Together

Better Together

Better Together by Ryan Krzykowski Over the past couple months, I’ve been getting together with a coaching friend once a week before work in the morning.  We take turns coming up with a conversation topic, typically grabbing something we read in Scripture or in...
Stones of Remembrance

Stones of Remembrance

Stones of Remembrance by Ryan Krzykowski In the Old Testament, after hundreds of years of captivity and slavery in Egypt and decades of wandering in the wilderness, the Nation of Israel finds itself on the doorstep of the Promised Land.  They’ve arrived at the...