

Prophetic by Ryan Krzykowski It’s looking like this will be the final CFC blog post of the 2020 summer break.  In many ways, good riddance summer of 2020.  Yuck.  At the same time, this summer has provided unprecedented opportunities.  We’ve never really...
Sneak Preview

Sneak Preview

Sneak Preview by Ryan Krzykowski For the past couple months, CFC teammate Alec Lemmon and I have been working on a new set of lessons to use in Coaching Life Groups.  The plan is to have 14 of the lessons that will make their debut in groups this fall.  At this point...

Food for Thought

Food for Thought by Ryan Krzykowski In these wild times, there’s certainly no shortage of topics for the blog this week.  We could talk about the return of pro sports amid pandemic uncertainty, the Patrick Mahomes contract, or the brilliance of Lin-Manuel...


Learn by Ryan Krzykowski I’ve always loved history.  I love memorizing names, dates and facts.  In 10th grade, our class learned all the Presidents in order.  I remember reading about Charles Martel and Charlemagne in 11th grade World History.  As Bill and Ted...


Listen by Ryan Krzykowski Since the world began staying at home back in March, we at CFC have been leading weekly discussions with coaches throughout the KC area on Zoom.  Our conversations typically center on John O’Sullivan’s wonderful book Every Moment...


Respect by Ryan Krzykowski Here comes a story that does not include the words Covid, Coronavirus, quarantine or reopen.  Or anything about how we’re in this together.  Just a simple story that meant something to me last week — perhaps it will mean...