It’s Comeback Time

by Ryan Krzykowski

In January 2020, the Chiefs found themselves down 24-0 in the first half of a divisional playoff game against Houston.  That was unbelievable.  Perhaps more unbelievably, they were ahead 28-24 by half time.  They won going away, by a score of 51-31.  A pretty amazing comeback.

In the spring of 2020, Community for Coaches selected a group of finalists for Metro KC Coach of the Year.  As we had done for five years previously, we planned to gather to celebrate these finalists and announce the leading vote recipients for Coach of the Year.  As you may have guessed, that didn’t happen.  We weren’t able to meet in person that spring.  So we did our best to adapt and improvise, recording podcast episodes with each finalist instead.  In 2021-22, things were looking up, but we still didn’t have an in-person gathering those years.  Now, in the spring of 2023, it’s time for a comeback.

Every year, beginning on February 1, CFC begins taking nominations for Metro KC Coach of the Year.  And unlike 2020-22, this year we’ll be back in person, celebrating a group of women and men who are working hard to make our city a better place.  A number of people over the years have commented that the Coach of the Year celebration is their favorite thing we do at CFC, and honestly, we’ve missed it.  We’ve missed it quite a bit.

It will be good, so very good, to celebrate together on April 30 with the finalists from the class of 2023.  Additionally, we’ve invited the finalists from 20-22 to come and join in the fun, and those groups will be well represented.  We’ve also seen what a blessing it’s been to record podcast interviews with each finalist, so that tradition will continue again this year.  Alec has done a remarkable job with the pod, so please check those out when they drop in a couple months, and take a look at some from the past few years.  

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves a bit — step one in the Coach of the Year process is for those nominations to begin rolling in.  So please think of the coach you know well who is using sports to change lives and make this city better, and nominate him/her for 2023 Metro KC Coach of the Year.

Let’s Coach With Purpose…