

Ancestors by Ryan Krzykowski A couple years ago my brother got curious and started doing some digging on an ancestry website.  He was able to determine with a fairly solid level of certainty that going back 15 generations, into the early 17th century, we have an...
A Little Boost

A Little Boost

A Little Boost by Ryan Krzykowski Sometimes it’s the seemingly small things.  I’ll spare you all the details, but life has been challenging lately.  Work has been especially demanding, relationships have been hard, support networks have been permanently...


Perseverance by Alec Lemmon Was the cross necessary? Is my suffering necessary? Hebrews 5:8 says, “Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered. And having been made perfect, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey...
Meet the 2023 COY Finalists

Meet the 2023 COY Finalists

Meet the 2023 COY Finalists by Ryan Krzykowski It’s been quite a few years since CFC first began recognizing a group of women and men who are out there making this city a better place, using sports as a tool to change lives.  We are proud to announce the group...


Starlings by Ryan Krzykowski If you’ve never seen a starling murmuration, you might want to check this out.  It is beautifully fascinating to watch hundreds of these birds move as a single unit.  How is it even possible for so many distinct creatures to...


Humble by Ryan Krzykowski You probably don’t need more people telling you how incredible Patrick Mahomes is.  It’s funny how in a couple weeks a man can go from “if they lose to Cincinnati he’ll be known as #2 behind Joe Burrow” to...