Celebrating 10 Years

Celebrating 10 Years

Celebrating 10 Years by Ryan Krzykowski We see it all too often — reminders that the world is not as it should be.  War, famine, poverty, abuse, and unfortunately the list goes on.  Even in the context of young people and sports, there is no shortage of...


Flexibility by Ryan Krzykowski I had a college football teammate named Steve who was notoriously inflexible.  He couldn’t touch his toes — with straight legs he could barely touch his knees.  Somehow, despite this lack of flexibility, Steve was a starter in the...


Legacy by Ryan Krzykowski The week before Christmas, Alec and I had the opportunity to interview Fred Merrell for the CFC podcast.  Coach Merrell spent nearly 50 years working with young athletes in a handful of different high schools, mostly in the Kansas City area. ...
What a Year

What a Year

What a Year by Ryan Krzykowski No doubt 2021 looked a little different for all of us, but we continue to be blessed with the opportunity to serve the coaches of Kansas City and beyond.  The two volume workbook series, Coaching With Purpose, is proving to be a...