Wrestling With Purpose

Wrestling With Purpose

Wrestling With Purpose by Ryan Krzykowski My knowledge of wrestling is minimal.  Long ago, I went to watch my younger brother in a couple of his high school matches, and those didn’t usually go very well.  Even longer ago, I used to watch the WWF Superstars of...
When It’s Over

When It’s Over

When It’s Over by Ryan Krzykowski The 8th grade football season ended on Tuesday October 12.  Our kids, the champions of Olathe’s Western Division, traveled across town to face the first place team in the East.  This opponent was a team we had previously...


Bradley (not his real name) by Ryan Krzykowski Once in a while these posts kind of write themselves.  This is one of those times. If you’ve been paying attention to my life (quite likely you haven’t, and that’s OK), you might know that I’ve...
God Stories

God Stories

God Stories by Ryan Krzykowski A couple weeks back our church’s pastor for high school students asked me if I’d be willing to share a “God story” with the students at their weekly Wednesday night gathering.  A God story is simply a time when...
On the Tee Box

On the Tee Box

On the Tee Box by Ryan Krzykowski There are a few common recurring themes in my posts, and this one’s going to hit on a few of those.  I like to write about the importance of using words well.  I write about the importance of affirming the young people we serve,...
Selfless Encouragers

Selfless Encouragers

Selfless Encouragers by Ryan Krzykowski We’re now a couple weeks into 8th grade football and I’m very happy to be back coaching these guys who didn’t have a 7th grade season a year ago.  There’s really nothing like the beginning of a middle...